Senin, 31 Maret 2014


NPM               : 12340033

1.    How to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion is when we write a paragraph is developed when it describes, explains and support the topic sentence and make the content of paragraph include of grammatical, because cohesion focus on grammatical.
2.    Cohesion as stated by Stephen Bailey (2003) is connecting phrase together so that the whole text is clear and readable. It achieved by several methods, such as the use of conjunction. Meanwhile, Michael Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (1976) Cohesion refers to the ways in which texts are stuck together, the ways in which sentences are linked or connected by various linguistic and semantic ties. Cohesion can be called as the outside structure of writing. It focuses on the grammatical aspects not meaning which is achieved by coherence. However, coherence is mostly achieved by having cohesion first. Cohesion is now understood to be a textual quality. Cohesion gives readers the clues for discovering coherence.

3. Differences between coherence and cohesion are:
v Coherence deals with organization of discourse with all elements present and fitting together logically.
v It focuses on the term of meaning (a coherent paragraph has a good level of readability and understandability)
v Coherence is a clearly pragmatic notion. It concern logical thinking. Coherence depends on one’s knowledge about given word.
v Coherence using transition signal and arranging logical order.

v Cohesion deals with the connection of phrase together so that the whole text is clear and readable.
v It focuses on the grammatical aspects not meaning which is achieved by coherence.
v Cohesion is a mix of pragmatic and semantic meaning. It depends on linguistic expressions there are lines in sentence cohesion is connected with interpretation.


Topic         : My Self
This Is Me, This Is Real                

Well, in this opportunity, I will describe about myself to you all, so you will know me more about my hobby, my dream, etc. When you don’t agree on my statement, you can comment directly to me. Read carefully guys!


My name is Wulan Susanti. But, my friends often call me Wulan. I was born on December 11, 1994. I live in Bandar Jaya, central of Lampung. I am beautiful girl, right..? Because I’m girl, if I’m boy absolutely I am handsome. I have long hair, pointed nose, dark skin and I have tall and slim body. Almost my friends said that I’m humble, easy going and funny person. I had all of my education background in Bandar Jaya, they are:
1. Kidder Garden PKK of Adijaya (1999-2000)
2. Elementary School 03 Bandar Jaya (2000-2006)
3. Junior High School 02 Poncowati (2006-2009)
4. Vocational High School 01 Poncowati (2009-2012)

Now, I am continuing my study in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. I chose English Department be my major, because I love English. I’m full student. I have a crowded schedule to go to campus from Monday till’ Saturday. Every day is busy day for me. But, although I have busy day, I always do my hobby. My hobby is listening to the music and singing a song. Wherever and whenever, I always do it. When there is no lecturer, I always sing a song or  listen music to refresh my mind. For me, music is my life. Music can make me enjoy and calm when there is problem in my life. All of people like music so much, right?. When there is free time or no schedule in campus, I choose to watching television with my friends or watching movie. I think it’s wonderful. I have the best thing about me, but I think it’s funny for me. But, I don’t know for other people that this is funny or not.  My friends (boarding house or campus) said that my voice is very piercing. That’s why my friends called me “Soimah” (a famous actress and a singer) because when I told or chit chat with my friends, I always speak loudly. I like a substitute name that can be an icon for me. Actually my dream not only be English teacher but also be a success person. But, for now, I want to focus on my major first. I want increase my skill in English, increase my IP, and get scholarship. Those are my target for next time. GO AHEAD! I CAN DO IT!

That all about me detail, so you now me more. That’s real. Although my friends said that I like “soimah” but, this me.                                   


5. WHY…..????
Why my text or sentence is categorized into cohesion.
Because my sentences include of connection of phrase together so that the whole text is clear and readable, is a mix of pragmatic and semantic meaning. It depends on linguistic expressions there are lines in sentence cohesion is connected with interpretation and cohesion just focus on grammatical.

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

22 Fakta Tentang Keistimewaan Indonesia Di Mata Internasional

  1. RI merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau (termasuk 9.634 pulau yang belum diberi nama dan 6.000 pulau yang tidak berpenghuni). Disini ada 3 dari 6 pulau terbesar didunia, yaitu : Kalimantan (pulau terbesar ketiga di dunia dengan luas 539.460 km2), Sumatera (473.606 km2) dan Papua (421.981 km2).
  2. Indonesia adalah Negara maritim terbesar di dunia dengan perairan seluas 93 ribu km2 dan panjang pantai sekitar 81 ribu km2 atau hampir 25% panjang pantai di dunia.
  3. Pulau Jawa adalah pulau terpadat di dunia dimana sekitar 60% hamper penduduk Indonesia (sekitar 130 juta jiwa) tinggal di pulau yang luasnya hanya 7% dari seluruh wilayah RI.
  4. Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan suku bangsa yang terbanyak di dunia. Terdapat lebih dari 740 suku bangsa/etnis, dimana di Papua saja terdapat 270 suku.
  5. Negara dengan bahasa daerah yang terbanyak, yaitu, 583 bahasa dan dialek dari 67 bahasa induk yang digunakan berbagai suku bangsa di Indonesia. Bahasa nasional adalah bahasa Indonesia walaupun bahasa daerah dengan jumlah pemakai terbanyak di Indonesia adalah bahasa Jawa.
  6. Indonesia adalah negara muslim terbesar di dunia. Jumlah pemeluk agama Islam di Indonesia sekitar 216 juta jiwa atau 88% dari penduduk Indonesia. Juga memiliki jumlah masjid terbanyak dan Negara asal jamaah haji terbesar di dunia.
  7. Monumen Budha (candi) terbesar di dunia adalah Candi Borobudur di Jawa Tengah dengan tinggi 42 meter (10 tingkat) dan panjang relief lebih dari 1 km. Diperkirakan dibuat selama 40 tahun oleh Dinasti Syailendra pada masa kerajaan Mataram Kuno (750-850).
  8. Candi Borobudur
  9. Tempat ditemukannya manusia purba tertua di dunia, yaitu : Pithecanthropus Erectus yang diperkirakan berasal dari 1,8 juta tahun yang lalu.
  10. Pithecanthropus Erectus
  11. Republik Indonesia adalah Negara pertama yang lahir sesudah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II pada tahun 1945. RI merupakan Negara ke 70 tertua di dunia.
  12. Indonesia adalah Negara pertama (hingga kini satu-satunya) yang pernah keluar dari Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) pada tgl 7 Januari 1965. RI bergabung kembali ke dalam PBB pada tahun 1966.
  13. Tim bulutangkis Indonesia adalah yang terbanyak merebut lambang supremasi bulutangkis pria, Thomas Cup, yaitu sebanyak 13 x (pertama kali th 1958 & terakhir 2002). Tapi riskan untuk dilampaui China, melihat trend terakhir ini.
  14. Terakhir Piala Ini Diangkat
  15. Indonesia adalah penghasil gas alam cair (LNG) terbesar di dunia (20% dari suplai seluruh dunia) juga produsen timah terbesar kedua.
  16. Negara ini punya cadangan gas alam TERBESAR DI DUNIA ! tepatnya di Blok Natuna. Berapa kandungan gas di blok natuna? Blok Natuna D Alpha memiliki cadangan gas hingga 202 TRILIUN kaki kubik!! dan masih banyak Blok-Blok penghasil tambang dan minyak seperti Blok Cepu dll. DIKELOLA SIAPA? EXXON MOBIL! dibantu sama Pertamina

  18. Negara ini punya Hutan Tropis terbesar di dunia. hutan tropis ini memiliki luas 39.549.447 Hektar, dengan keanekaragaman hayati dan plasmanutfah terlengkap di dunia. Letaknya di Pulau Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Sebenarnya jika negara ini menginginkan kiamat sangat mudah saja buat mereka. Tebang saja semua pohon di hutan itu maka bumi pasti kiamat. Karena bumi ini sangat tergantung sekali dengan hutan tropis ini untuk menjaga keseimbangan iklim karena hutan hujan Amazon tak cukup kuat untuk menyeimbangkan iklim bumi dan sekarang mereka sedikit demi sediki telah mengkancurkanya hanya untuk segelintir orang yang punya uang untuk perkebunan dan lapangan Golf. Sungguh sangat ironis sekali.
  19. Indonesia menempati peringkat 1 dalam produk pertanian, yaitu : cengkeh (cloves) & pala (nutmeg), serta no.2 dalam karet alam (Natural Rubber) dan minyak sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil).
  20. Indonesia adalah pengekspor terbesar kayu lapis (plywood), yaitu sekitar 80% di pasar dunia.
  21. Terumbu Karang (Coral Reef) Indonesia adalah yang terkaya (18% dari total dunia).
  22. Indonesia memiliki species ikan hiu terbanyak didunia yaitu 150 species.
  23. Biodiversity Anggrek terbeser didunia : 6 ribu jenis anggrek, mulai dari yang terbesar (Anggrek Macan atau Grammatophyllum Speciosum) sampai yang terkecil (Taeniophyllum, yang tidak berdaun), termasuk Anggrek Hitam yang langka dan hanya terdapat di Papua.
  24. Memiliki hutan bakau terbesar di dunia. Tanaman ini bermanfaat untuk mencegah pengikisan air laut / abrasi.
  25. Binatang purba yang masih hidup : Komodo yang hanya terdapat di pulau Komodo, NTT adalah kadal terbesar di dunia. Panjangnya bias mencapai 3 meter dan beratnya 90 kg.
  26. Komodo
  27. Rafflesia Arnoldii yang tumbuh di Sumatera adalah bunga terbesar di dunia. Ketika bunganya mekar, diameternya mencapai 1 meter.

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

NPM               : 12340033

How To Write Paragraph ( explanation ) With Adequate And Inadequate Unity And Coherence.
2.      Coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is easily understood by the reader. For this reason, coherence is closely related to unity.
3.      A paragraph is adequately developed when it describes, explains and supports the topic sentence. If the "promise" of the topic sentence is not fulfilled, or if the reader is left with questions after reading the paragraph, the paragraph has not been adequately developed.

This Is Me, This Is Real

Well, in this opportunity, I will describe about myself to you all, so you will know me more about my hobby, my dream, etc. When you don’t agree with my statement you can comment directly to me. read carefully guys.
My name is wulan susanti. But, my friends often call me wulan. I was born on December 11, 1994. I live in Bandar jaya, central of lampung. I am beautiful girl, right..? because I girl, if I boy absolutely I am handsome. I has long hair, pointed nose, dark skin and I has tall and slim body. almost my friend said that I humble, easy going and funny person.  I had background education that all of in Bandar jaya. first, garden kids adijaya. Secondly, elementary school 03 bandar jaya. thirdly, junior high school 02 poncowati, fourthly, vocational high school 01 poncowati and now I continue my study in muhammadiyah university of metro. I choose English department be my major, I love English. Monday till’ Saturday are schedule to go to campus. Every day is busy day to me. But, although I has busy day I always do my hobby. My hobby is listen to the music and sing a song. Wherever, whenever I always do it. When there is no lecturer I always sing a song or  listen music to refresh my mind. For me music is my life. Music can make me enjoy and calm when there is problem in my life. When there is free time or no schedule in campus I choose to watching television with my friends or watching movie, it’s wonderful. I has the best thing about me, but I this is funny for me. But, I don’t know for other people this funny or just so so. Many my friends ( boarding house or campus ) said that my voice like “soimah” ( the famous actress and a singer ) because when I told or chit chat with my friends, I always speak loudly. That’s icon for me. Actually my dream not only be English teacher but also be the success person. But, for now I want to focus to my major first. I want increase my skill in English, increase my IP, get scholarship. Those my target for next time. GO A HEAD . I CAN DO IT. That all about me detail, so you now me more. That’s real. Although my friends said that I like “soimah” but, this me.

Note :
Blue     : indentification
Green  : description include concluding sentence

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

writing 3

NPM               : 12340033

Definition of narrative text
Narrative text is a text that tell about place, animal or thing that happen in the past.

Generic structure of narrative paragraph
1.      Orientation      : introducing the participants and informing the time and the place.
2.      Complication   : describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with or among participants relationship in a process or social interaction.
3.      Resolution       : showing the way of participants to solve the crises, better or worse.
4.      Coda / re-orientation               : This is a closing remark to the story and it is optiona. It consists  of  a  moral  lesson,  advice  or  teaching  from  the writer
Language feature of narrative paragraph
1.      Using Past tense
2.      Using Adverb of time
3.      Using Time conjunction
4.      Focus in the one specific character.
5.      Using action verbs
The example of narrative paragraph
Thousand years ago,there lived an ugly man in a bank of river. He lived alone after his wife left him about 3 years. In his daily ife, he just stayed at home everyday. He was shy because of his ugly face.
Someday, underneat a bright sun. he was in a trip to come home from juggle near his house. He went out to found some juggle fruit and vegetables to be cooked. at that time he felt so exhausted, so he sat under a big three. As he taken a rest and in a deep sleep, he was dreaming a miracle.
In his dream, a giant came to him and said that he is a ginny. “  I a ginny of this village I know what makes yoy never went out from your house ! “ the ginny said. “ Really ?? so would you like to help me ? he was in a missery.  “ Well, I’ll obey all of your wants ! “ the ginny replaid.  “ I wanted my face to be handsome about ten times of my face, can you o it ?” he really hoped. “ It’s easy for me ! ” But you must climbed the mountain on the east first. “ Not long after words, the man was up. He felt confused but sure of this dream. He followed what the ginny said.
Next early morning. He went to climb the mountain. He take more than ten hours. Finally, he arrived at top of it. He felt satisfied but he really confused of what will happen. Three minutes later, the same ginny appeared and make him so surprised. The ginny said, “ You was successes. “ I’ll make your will be real “ but the rule is that your X-wife will get double of about you got.                                     
 “ I don’t care, make me handsome now !” “Ok, kueek..kueekk..prepet..prepet..huhh..huhh.. ding… !
The became handsome. He laughed loudly. Then, he thought that his X-wife will be more beautiful. Then, he said “ Ginny……. Till I’m in a half of died to make my X-wife get double to die.” The ginny laughed and laughed. Ten minutes later, there was only the man with the broken leg and body.

Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Generic structure of descriptive paragraph
1.      Identification  : Identifying the something which will be described in general
2.      Description      : Describing something specificly, like a shape, quality, and characteristic of something itself.
Language feature of descriptive text
1.      Using linking verb       : look, smell, taste, see, seem
2.      Using three parameter of sense
3.      Using multiple tenses based on the time that happen ( present, past, future)
The example of descriptive paragraph
A kangaroo is an animal from Australia . many people interesting with this animal because they can jump and run very fast.
Kangaroos eat grass and plant. They have short front leg, but very long, and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting and for jumping. They can run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour. Kangaroos are marsupial, it’s mean that the female of kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. a baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls once into his pouch where it spends its first five months of life. An adult kangaroo can grow to a length until 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.
Note :
purple : identification                                            grey : description

Exspository paragraph is the paragraph that explain how something is made or something is done.  Expository is almost same as procedure text,  but the differences between them are just the patterns of the sentence, if procedure paragraph using active sentence, and expository using passive sentence.
Generic Structure of Expository
1.      Topic sentence
2.      Supporting sentence
3.      Concluding sentence

Language Feature of Expository
1.      Using process verb
2.      Using indefinite transition
3.      Using temporal conjunction
4.      Using question word mark, such as how
5.      Using simple present tense
Example of expository paragraph
How a milk is made
Milk is made just need by simple material. First, of course milk. A packed of milk is poured by a glass. Secondly, boiling water is added to glass. Thirdly, a milk is stirred solubled. Finally, a milk is ready. Those are a milk is made.
Note :
grey     : topic sentence
green   : supporting sentence
blue     : concluding sentence